Singles De New Britain Ct Police Shooting

Could I order a new chequebook, please? how to take suhagra tablet You ranbaxy review Immigration is therefore in most cases a good deal for Britain. but stayed around in case a spot opened up in the singles main draw. a call for a shooting about a.m. Police sources said four people. These are mostly hardcovers and some trade paperbacks (includes some ex- library books too) at the Traveler Restaurant of Union, CT (came from book sale. QuestChat connects thousands οf real, horny singles ѕimilar tߋ уoս eaсh single Ԁay. Both were stabbed and one was shot, according to police. Dahl played just 73 games for Double A New Britain last season after suffering a at ; the University of Connecticut Huskies at ; the Villanova University Wildcats. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail.

See our Deco- rator's Fabrics. Porras Plas 5 de Mayo ru ,. Fun- eral arrangements had not been completed today for Chauncey P.

He died at 1: He is survived by his wife with whom he made his JQme at the Hotel Washington. He was one of the owners of "tract of land in the now Fort Sherman area which had been appropriated by the U.

He also was attorney for other litigants and fought the case through the courts for almost 40 years. Telephone Panama 2- from 8 to 5, even- ings, Sturgill. Write Alcoholics Anonymous ox Aneen, C. High gloss oil paints and enamels. House Pedro Miguel. Sacrifice at original owner. Phone I 2.

Mode to to ordei repaired and refinished. Large curved solid ma- hogany bar, can be seen onytime Saturday at Sailfish Club, Balboa. Spacious, completely furnished residence built singles de new britain ct police shooting meter lot, with meters ot lawn and garden. Furni- ture is muted modern and in first class condition. Located between Poitilla and Panama Golf Club. Available for one yeor. Modern furnished-unfun- ished apartment.

Villioms Sonta Clora Beach Cottages. Two bedrooms, electric refrigera- tion. Phone Bal- boa Beach cottages, Santo Clara Box number Phone Panomi or Cristobal 3- Gromlioh's Santa Clara beach- cottages. Electric Ice boxes, gas stoves, moderate rates. Phone 6- or Kerosene refigerator, beds, mattresses, tables, chairs ond other household goods. Motor boot twenty foot, overhauled, equipped for fishing, new condition, sacrifice.

Inquire house C, Balboa Road. Cool bright apartment, furnished-unfurnished. Co- lon phones J or L. Best located furnished apartment with all modern con- veniences. Also coiy furnished room. Furnished oneroom apartment with both, no kitchen, for o couple, 45 dollars. You need to learn Spanish by Indi- vidual conversotionol system; from 6 p. No more parallax problem. View direct through lens. Exclusively available at International Jewelry Inc.

I'm entirely willing to foke less than the market price for those two well-placed lots at Los Cum- bres. In a growing orea, with all utilities available, ond purchased below the prevoiling prices, what could be a belter investment? I leave for singles de new britain ct police shooting States ot the end of this month, so get in touch with me now at during the day or of offer office hours. Mav 11 'UP A trigger-touchy posse which mav have critically wounded one of its own mem- bers in the reverlsh search hunted over rolline countryside today for a young NeRro wanted for the attsmpted rape of mid- dle-aRed housewife.

He was in "extremely critical" condition at Panama City hospital. It was first believed the "youngish-looking" Negro wounded the officer. The screams of the year- old white woman brought men rushing to the boarding house she and her husband operate late vesterday.

The woman told the sheriff that a Negro sur- prised her alone in the house and attempted to criminally as- sault bar. The men pursued the Negro to a swamp where they lost him. They were Joined by sheriff's deputies and other of- ficers who surrounded the waterv thicket. Crooms was found shot through the head, lying at the edge of the barrier about 7 p. Thomas said the wounded man was able to tell him that he did not know who shot him.

Notices to vacate have alreadv been sent to the residents of the 15 buildings. There are presently six families and 22 bachelors with assignments in the "ghost hill'' houses.

It is planned to have all build- ings there vacated by the end of November so that the houses can be razed and grading work done during the coming dry season. The occupants will be given re- gular assignments elsewhere on the Atlantic side and most of the bachelors will be provided with quarters in famlly buildings In Margarita. The occupants of the quarters will be moved as va- cancies occur In other, buildings and no "mass" evacuation is planned. The houses to be facated were originally built early in by the contractors for the dry exca- vation of the new Oatun Locks.

The contractors erected a large number of temporary quarters for its employes in that area. When the Third Locks project was stopped in Most of the houses were demolished but those' on Lychee Street were considered sufficiently substantial for a few years' more use. The term singles de new britain ct police shooting hill" for the area was popularly adopted on the Atlantic side after the ma- jority of the houses were demol- ished.

Furnished rooms with porch, kitchen if desired. Apply over Chase Bank corner 1 I th. Sheriff Thomas said there has been singles de new britain ct police shooting demonstrations, other than the posse hunt.

C, May 11 UP Oov. Byrnes said to- day counties In the H-bomb plant area can expect some Fed- eral Government aid In supply- ing educational needs of the Byrnes said he has discussed the problem with the U. Of- fice of Education. And he said a representative of that Agency would meet with him and visit the site of the Savannah River atomic energy project.

He reaffirmed his position that the Federal Government Is obligated to care for the expand- ed needs of the area since no State official asked that the plant be located in the state. Tickets for the show may be purchased at the ticket booth of the Balboa Theater any tune the theater is open. Admission will be 50 cents for adults and 25 cents lor children. Some boys and girls under 16 were ordered to the reforma- tory. Judge Oscar Castelo, passing sentence in a heavily guarded courtroom, held that the Com- munist party and its armed Huk forces "are engaged in armed revolution to set up a Soviet type Government In the Philip- pines.

Double dry closet portition S Everything in excellent condition. Fitch A Rio Grande St. Coldspot Refrigerator, 9 eu. Automatic refrigerator, Defroster and 25 cycle Apex wash- ing machine, one year old. Call call Novy Qtrs. Here a woman speaker vehemently addresses the National Police Officers, Insisting that the constitution be upheld.

Wanted Position Leaving Cristobal. Singles de new britain ct police shooting position for my excellent cook. Moid for general house- work and core of children. May 11 UP Six members of the Philippines Communist Party were senten- ced to death today fot' murder, arson and robbery In a plot to overthrow the Philippines Gov- ernment. Nine other members of the party's polltburo were sent ft orison ior llfe.

May 11, UP Gov. Fuller Warren reinstated Kefauver-crlticlzed Hugh Cul- breath as sheriff of Hlllsborough County today after the officer was freed of bribery and neglect of duty charges. The Governor's action may touch off protests in the Tampa First Aid Volunteers Graduate Tomorrow Two classes of first aid vol- unteers will be graduated to- morrow at Fort Kobbe and Rod- man completing the first series of instruction offered to more than 1, dependents of Armv. Navy, and Air Force personnel.

Chief of 8taf f. Army Carib- bean, will be guest speaker at the first graduation which will take place at Rear Admiral Albert M. Commandant 15th Naval District, is to speak at the grad- uation to be held at 11 a.

All relative and friends are invited to attend the ceremonies. Bay area similar to those that "rocked" Miami after Sheriff Smiling Jimmy Sullivan was re- stored to office. Interfering with a poli watcher, permitting bookmaklng In the county jail and two of neglect of duty. The State's case against him fell apart yesterday when the on- ly witness, ex-lottery operator Paul Giglia.

Giglia also could not remember the ex- act time the money was passed. The committee accused him of carrying on "business re- lations with gang leader Salva- tore Red Italiano.

Capone's predecessor In Chicago. All six were ousted following Kefau- ver Committee hearings on Flo- rida gambling lr. The legalitv of Dade County Sheriff Sullivan's reinstatement is before the. State Supreme Court now. The decision of the singles de new britain ct police shooting court could apply in Culbreath's case. UP Heirs of Mrs. It was ft Hollywood company shooting scenes for a movie singles de new britain ct police shooting Com munist intrigue In Greece.

OO ' on mu. Picata rry la kaaa Mia Mtara iMntraa" te em rafa singles de new britain ct police shooting. J, lakaioa M Aiauwui. Mary Coney no longer anas it neceaaary to aiaRUiaa neraeii aa an oiu woman in a snaivi in oruer to get aaiaiy nome irom uingo.

And imgalne tne sense oi rellei experienced by Alex McKeown. Vvltn the return of all his onsprlng, the new deal ia diplomacy has left Doc Gilder breathing easy a lot easier than YOU can breathe whan he shoves a spatula down your throat. The pear tria had. Bat paatgraduate wark has taught me that lady teachers da have their goad points and pre- sent participios.

Since the departure of Helen Patterson the laaay with the classy chassisthere has been a noticeable falling off of felony at Quarters There should never have been any to begin with, because the proverbial underpaid teacher ia a barren source of profit for the potential purse-pincher.

If those misled miscreants really wanted to strike It rich, they should have tried cutting the screen or Jimmying the door of electricians, like Clancy; pilots, like Kariger; hotel tycoons, like Cranberry; firemen, like Humphries; customs men, like Compton; terminals' men and their specie, like MacPherson: Ills Hauser; Industrial bureau-crats, like Frankel; arbers, like lores; towboaters. They could have made a killing there or gotten killed.

Another singular development brought about by this bilateral law enforcement policy is that all is quiescent on the canine front. The mutts simply don't have much to bark at any more. In these davs of "Dime, can you spare a brother? The latest Klotz ukase was an admonishment to dog owners to curb the habits of their pets. If I may Interpose here a little plug fire for the pooches, in singles de new britain ct police shooting cases greater serenity won'd be attained If we were to have the dogs curb their owners, whose "Blue Ribbon" for be- haviour-prize comes In cans.

No such 'afeudin' and singles de new britain ct police shooting obtains la one neighbor- hood covered by the border patrol, where peta and owners alike are models af animal rectitude.

Srhelbler'a 'Corky," Bertschy's "Baron. Similar doggy virtues could be ascribed to Rainier' Mexican hairless, Brown's Boston-pit. Dameron'a dal- mation, Glen Martin's chaw.

The oolnt of the tail, however, la that folks over here are Atlantlckled and immensely gratified over the left turn of events as developed bv the rolling patrol. Thev would rather have, sav, Waddell and Gonzalez parading their streets In a "car than Mac- Arthur himself. They pray that the Prowl of the Policas Is not merely a trial balloon destined for early deflation, but a fixed and beneficial system that will lone endure.

Endure for as long as our favorite correspondent. Money is money to our very good friends, whether it's rubles, alotys or yen. It was a secret U. Senate Investigating agent who first discovered it for us. Acting un- der instructions from Mary- land's Senator Herbert O'Conor, who's been probing this inter- national crime as well as our own mob combine, this agent slipped quietly Into one eneck point on the border of the Rus- sian sone in Germany.

Hidden for an hour, he was horrified to see huge trucks racing Into Red territory at the rata of one every three minutes. There was no examination or singles de new britain ct police shooting loads although there rang- ed up to 32 tons and had trail- er units, no les.

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The Sehate prober tchose discoveries are now in Sen. Q'Conor's hands, soon to be made public tjuiefcly learn- ed, for example, that tO-ton crane were being moved to the Russians. Hoto, when ton cranes are illegal Mp- ments? The transport tiexet was simply mavited II ions.

Whole factories mere being carried across, marked "spare part. Big Joe Curran is. Therefore, his union's cri- ticism must be -taken with double seriousness. Neither he nor the aophistlcated anti- Communlsts around him would do anything to singles de new britain ct police shooting potential allies and tree workers abroad, unless It were bitterly necessary.

Princess Rita relaxes at ruitte rttrsat; Ptorion farm losas faca when water fails; Crisis settles family well-digging argument. Uvlng with eeven pretty women, thinks Bill Phlppe of Los Angeles fifth from left in line for the bath- room. It can be saved from communism If the right things are done. It can be lost to com- munism if the wrong things are done. It Is In this latter category that the United States now has a chanca to commit a major blunder in its handling of famine relief.

What started out to be a simple act of charity has now become Involved in the larger debate on the whole question of Truman administration policy towards communism.

Douglas MacArthur's firing as U. The common belief Is that the India famine relief bill. Actually, at this writing, the House Rules Committee has never had a meet- ing on the bill. The story behind that is that after the House Foreign Affairs Committee had aproved the bill, the Democrats on the Rulea Committee conduct- ed an informal poll of their members.

It was found thai not enough Democratic votas, could be mustered to clear the bill for House action. Bo Chalrnmn Adolph Sabath simply refrained from culling a Rules Committee meeting to dis- cuss the measure. Oblections which congressmen raise against the Indian famine relief bill are many and varied.

Some of the objections have little or nothing to do with India directly. It Is the en- tire Truman foreign policy that Republicans and some Democrats are attacking.

One argument against Indian famine relief which has not come out in the open, but which congressmen talk about privately, is that this Is or. If the Indian relief bill is aonroved. If these separate-country re- lief measures are piled on them, the total will be huge and the chances for economizing small.

In addition to which, many congressmen are Dalklng at the terms of the Singles de new britain ct police shooting administra- tion's Indian relief bill.

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What India asked for, last December, was two million tons of grain "on special and easv terms. Instead of that, the administration sent up a bill asking for S million aa a grant. This would give India million bushels of Congress, the old Marshall Plan restrictions were tacked on. These would provide that the grain be sold by the Indian government In Its normal trade channels.

The rupees received from this sale would be put In a counterpart fund. And this would be used to build Irrigation projects, or other developments to Increase Indian food pro- duction. This Is said to be haggling over dis- tress Imposing conditions which would make the Indians resent the aid given.

Aside from these points, political opposition to the Indian famine relief bill seems to have no compunctions about hard bargaining over mi- sery. Individual congressmen think the aid should be furnished only on a barter deal. This would Involve trading food grains for burlap, manganese, or what have thejp. Thlg in spite of the fact that India last year sent nearly three-fourths of her exports In these materials to the U.

But all these fine nolnts are lost on the Indians. All they know Is that they're not getting the Rraln and that this country has surpluses In storage. Political debate and delav under these circum- stances certalnlv can do the cause of the west- ern wo'-'d no good In Asia. This indicates that Holland may become the shipyard for the Soviet, now needing oil tankers and special vessels for swift movements of food for its, armies In the steaming Orient- al waters.

The ClCe maritime "eye" In Washington, further discloses that Belgium has "accepted Russian orders for five' cargo vessels of 3, gross tons ea-h and seven trawlers of 1, gross tons each. Italian yards have accepted Russian orders for two-cargo- passenger vessels of 2, gross tons each. Marshall on a speakers' platform, winds up angrily by saying: However, tee firmly believe that thie noftM must hold strings - which would discourage na- tions receiving ECA aid from arming the enemy.

We de- plore the V. For the sake of us all, we should beseech our lawmakers to consider the facts soberly and arrive at wise judgments as to our future course. Certain It Is, however, that they and we would be better fit for this task If the American icople understood Asia and the Asiatics more thoroughly than they do. It Is no exaggeration to declare that few of us have more than the faintest notion of what the Orient Is really like.

And that holds for many of the lawmakers who most vigorously champion aggressive action In the Far East. Asia we think of for the most part as a far- away place teeming with millions who are bare- ly able If at all to keep body and soul to- gether.

Its traditions and culture. Its moral values are largely mysteries to us. China and India particularly are vast enigmas. We do not even know their recent history well. Tor instance, what Is the real. Impartial story Of the rise and fall of Chiang Kai-shek as the leader of all China? How should his defeat at the hands of Mao Tse-tung's Red forces be falr- Iv weighed? The blank spaces In our knowledge of the Orient are enormous.

Yet we are'now trying to lav the basis for decisions about the Far East which rightly demand of us the oower to fathom the Oriental mind in its full setting. Some of us eagerlv assume that It would be sensible to back Chiang Kai-shek in an effort to re-enter mainland China from his Formosa base. All aside from the question of the mili- tary fitness of his forces, how would he be re- ceived by the Chinese? As a liberator or not? Evidence suggests that many guerrilla forces now operating In China prooer would decline to accept his leadership, though thev are as oppos- ed to communism as he.

Is this indicative of the attitude of moat Chinese? We don't really know, and yet that knowledge Is of the utmost Importance politically. We can hardly issume that our espousal of Chiang would be regarded by the Chinese as a friendly act. We can't be blind to the political meaning of our acts either In Asia or Europe.

Even if Chiang's armies were deemed certain to be a military help which is not the case we might have to avoid their use because of the political consequences. The world of free men will never be closelv knit If one nation or an- other Insists on plunging ahead without under- standing the needs and aspirations of other peoples. For that same reason, we cannot devise eco- nomic plans for the.

Asiatics without realizing the earthly elements of their struggle for a bet- ter way of life. We can't blithely draft pro- grams which take it for granted they think and act as we.

Thev don't, and if we want them for friends we must set about finding out how they do think and act.

From the long-range vlewooint. It seems clear there ought to be more Far Eastern history taught In our schools and universities. A few have done a good lob. But that won't help adult Americans and their elected representatives in Washington, who need to know more about the Orient now. Most of the information exists already In books and documents, though much of the recent Asiatic history would have to be carefully sifted to sc een out propaganda with a high emotional content.

They are ideallv equipped bv talent and experience to lye the American people a terse, human, and above all an accurate account of life in Asia in all Its phases. It's a challenge that could easily appeal to 'he enterprising' American Dress.

Nothing would give greater sign of its awareness o its pre-eminent responsibility to Inform the people. Nobody was thrown Lin rses' ""O'. P that all was not well. P had that staeiyTtot ln her eye which I had not seen for a long, long time ln fajct. I m sure if you told him that Rita Hayworth needed a bata ne d come In a minute," I suggested. P, who had been faeea with the drought all day. And what do we drink? Because when cows get "0 water to drink, they give singles de new britain ct police shooting milk, and when they give lew milk my acore goes down; and I have been singles de new britain ct police shooting for a milk score that would beat Carroll Morgan's, who taunts me with his high score every time we meet.

Finally, I got Leon Lowery on the telephone. He had ordered an extra part for the pump a month ago. So the pump couldn't get fixed that night, Rita couldn't get a bath, the dishes couldnt get washed, I couldn't shave ln the morning, and my cows wotfld get a lower core than Carroll Morgan's. Why should we be so snobbish? We re not the only ones who have problems. Or take Los Angeles. Mayor Bowron out there Is always making my daughter qiit watering her lawn.

Rita will just have to get ready for the ultimate future, I concluded, "and the fact that our pump bit ke down lg just good practice for the days that He ahead.

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There has long been a difference of opinion inside the Pearson family about the rela- tive merits of water from a spring and water from a well.

Mise Hayworth, so far as I could see, was not really perturbed about her bath. I Imagine there were a good many days traveling U. So I had sort of an Inkling of what was coming. P, changing to her most dulcet tones, "that what we really need is a well all our owna well that we don't have to share with your 47 thirsty cows and the farm families? I think you should call up a well-digger and get started tomorrow. After all, you're always building some silo or other that doesn't do any good except stick up ln the air and spoil the scenery.

However, I saw it was no use. Rita Hayworth is a charming gal and a swell sport. She didn't mind the water shortage at ail. But she has done me a great disfavor. Thanks to her, I have been euchred Into drilling a well. P doesn't know It yet, I am going to connect the well to the cow barn. I Just can't afford to let my milk score drop. Gerrlty and their young daugh- ter are expected to return to Pan- ama Monday from a short vaca- tion spent In Pennsylvania and New York.

Newcomer, wife of the Governor of The Panama Canal. Void, wife of the Lieutenant Governor, and Mrs. In the receiving line were Mrs. Ernest Zelnick and Mrs.

Ed Brown former presidenta of the club. A special out of town guest was Mrs. Sedgwlck of WllUamstown, Delaware, whose husband was employed here dur- ing construction days. Other guests Included Mrs.

Officers for the coming club year were Installed and Mrs. Courtesy and Sick committee, Mrs. Ernest Zelnick; Reception, Mrs. Herbert Bathman; Friendly Relations, Mrs. Max Shannon; Civic and Youth, Mrs. Fred Frank; Custodian, Mrs. Ira Wright; Publicity, Mrs. Ires; Hospitality and Welfare, Mrs.

Pat Ryan; Refreshments, Mrs. Will Albright; Parliamen- tarian, Mrs. Earl Dailey; Pianist, Mrs. Ed Brown; Gardening Group. Morgan; Needle- craft Group. Saunders; and Historian, Mrs. Medlnger and their son, Robert Medlnger, are entertaining a group of young people at a buffet supper this evening at their residence singles de new britain ct police shooting Balboa Heights.

Neville Leave for Arlington E. Massachusetts, where he was called because of the death of his father, E. Ne- ville, who was, before bis retire- ment, a resident of Balboa and Gamboa for many years.

Bal- boa, to raise money for sending a girl to this year's Girls State. Ed Brown, first president of the club, cut the birthday cake. Zelnick presented to Mrs. Joustra won the door prize. A program of dancing was given by Dolores Walte's dancing class. Slmnot are giving a buffet supper this evening at their residence at Ca- ble Heights as a farewell for Dr. Irvln who are leaving soon to make their home In North Carolina. Michigan, who left on Colonel and Mrs.

Carpenter Leave for California Colonel and Mrs. Carpenter and their son. During their three years at Fort Clayton Mrs. Carpenter, a violin- ist, has been prominent In musi- cal circles, and for the past year has been English Secretary of the Inter-American Women's Club. Colonel Carpenter was Entomo- logist for the U. Army Carib- bean during his tour of duty here. Adams of Cape Cod and Washington. Herr singles de new britain ct police shooting entertain another group at coffee, also honoring her mother, who arrived recently for a visit of several weeks.

Minnesota, arrived from Washington. Sergio Betancourt and A. Male and female operators. Then do try Lydia E. Pincharas Vegetable Compound to relieve such symp- toms. It's singles de new britain ct police shooting for this purpose I Taken regularlyPlnkham's Compound helps build up resist- ance against such distress. And that's the kind of product yoa should buy. He'll catch his breath with admiration! Pond's "Lips" give you lotting beautyslay on and on looking fresh and radiant!

Tomorrow, Saturday, May lfc A. Sign Off Explanation of Symbols: Use Johnson's Baby Powder after baths, at diaper changes, and in be- tween times, loo. J, a S a At hath that, wash baby with lentle.

White, of France Field, entertained with a dinner party at their home, Wednesday evening, fol- lowing the rehearsal at the Church of the Holy Family for the wedding of Miss Melba Flores and Mr. Robert La Porta, which wUl take place Saturday. They FIT and the earns are straight.

Every Kayser stocking, whether sheer or semi sheer, has the wonder-fitting "Strait-On" Heel. The all-white buffet table was covered with a cut-work table cloth and centered with coffee roase and tapers In crystal hold- ers. The gueats with Miss Flores and Mr. Harry Munyon and Harry, Jr. Frank Day and Madelon Garrett. Eugene Shipley and Julie. Miss Pat Ged- des. Gaddls Wall and Wayne and Mr. It Is planned to hold the fair next week, with the opening on Saturday.

Surprise Farewell Dinner for Mr. McClelland who sailed today for a vacation In the States. During the evening bon voyage presents were given the honor- eea and a birthday present was given Mrs. Those who participated In the party and gifts were: Misses Sal- ly Tucker. Eut nice Hassan and Connie Landry. Leslelgh Davis and Rev. McClelland will attend the United States Y. Centen- nial at Cleveland. McClelland and their children will visit with her rela- tives In Murray, Iowa.

Hank Lee, arrived Monday by plane from Sedalla. Missouri to visit her parents, Mr. Cristobal Rebekah Club waa held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. We ask a trial order. We can and will please you. Send your own flowers to your own Commission house.

Then comes a treat, a trip through the greenhouses with Mr. There are over 20, and they make a fine appear- ance. While a lily cannot be judged until the buds are developed, indications point to their being fine and well. The shoots, about an inch long, are strong and evenly developed. They have been i runed and tied with excep- tional care into the desired shape.

There are aerojilanos and baskets and globes and staiidardu and bushes all trained to their wires with such nicety as to insure an evenly flowered plant, without whicli no fancy shape is tolerable. Indications are that their wealth of buds will get there in time without hurrying. Genistas have the place of honor in the now house just finished, while dai- sies, Chrysanthemum frutescens and Boston Yellow, now boarding out, are reported well.

Erica-translucens is coming more and more into favor. Decorators who for- merly used kentias only are now using ericas, using them freely and coming back for more. The sowing of erica seed has been increased greatly. Dracae- nas are i articularly good.

Their colors are charming. A large stock of ferns, Siottii, Teddy. Pandanus Veitchii is sturdy. Crotons are rich in their rainbow effects. The Kaster novelty is the Otaheite orange in bloom. There is a house of tliese exquisite little plants. These are made deliciously fragrant by the l l om on an advance plant. Craig says it will be a great Easter. There were about thirty guests. A grower, who modestly withholds his name, censured his night fireman be- cause the greenhouses were 2 degrees too warm on the moining of February It w;is below zero outside.

The friends of Edward T. Alburger liave heard with deep sadness that he suffered another stroke February Alburger is conscious, but has lost the power of speech or motion. Claus is planning a trip abroad. Robert Huey delivered an illus- trated lecture on outdoor rose culture before the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society in the New Century Club Thurs- day afternoon, March 2.

Deutscher said February 25 that he wished he had more flowers to sell. This was regarded as the quintessence of good sportsmanship by the staff of the Philadelphia Wholesale Florists' Ex- change.

Price, of the Joseph G. Price went as far south as Jacksonville, Fla. Jharles Berger is doing well with fer- tilizers. Connor, singles de new britain ct police shooting has been ill, is hap- pily about again. Ilabermehl 's Sons arranged a beautiful decoration for the second As- sembly ball, held in the ballroom of the Bellevue Stratford the evening of Feb- ruary Bayersdorfers have been heard from in Rome.

George Redles explained the hybridiz- ing of primroses to the members of the Germantown Horticultural Society at their Fel ruary meeting, in the Liberty building singles de new britain ct police shooting Vernon park. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

To find out more about Eilidh please visit www. Pretty hardcore Jazz which Gary himself described as "Jazz for masochists" - not really to my taste if I'm honest but got to try these things Information on Gary Bartz from Ronnie Scott's website: Just 17 years old, Gary couldn't wait to come to the city to play and learn.

I'd help somebody carry a drum and sneak in," laughs Bartz. But there was always music, because people were dropping by at all hours. We didn't even think about it; that's just what we did.

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We were very unselfish about what we were writing because, after all, music doesn't belong to any one person. It belongs to the people, to everybody. When his father hired Blakey for a gig, Gary grabbed the opportunity to fill a sax player vacancy in the band. FromGary joined Charles Mingus' Workshop and began practicing regularly with fellow members of the horn section, including Eric Dolphy. Work with McCoy proved especially significant for Bartz because of the bandleader's strong connection to John Coltrane — who Gary succinctly cites as a profound influence.

Gary continues to perform and record with McCoy to singles de new britain ct police shooting day. Bartz received a call from Miles Davis in ; work with the legendary horn player marked Gary's first experience playing electric music.

It also reaffirmed his yen for an even stronger connection to Coltrane. The group got its name from the Bantu language: NTU means unity in all things, time and space, living and dead, seen and unseen. A testimonial to a steadfast belief in the power of music to soothe, challenge, spark a crowd to full freak, or move one person to think.

It adds up to a shoe box full of musical snapshots from a life lived and played with passion and stirred - with both joy and sadness - by the blues. This initial release on his own OYO label bares testimony to Gary's continuing growth as a composer, group leader, and singles de new britain ct police shooting of both the alto and soprano saxophones.

With over 30 recordings as a leader as well as more than recordings as a guest artist with othersGary Bartz has taken his rightful place in the pantheon of jazz greats. The owner of a ferocious piano technique coupled with a sense of musicality rarely heard, James is one of the most exciting to musicians to have emerged from the U.

K in the last 25 years. After working with him, British jazz legend Sir John Dankworth recently declared: His masterful playing makes him head and shoulders above the rest of his contemporaries.

He shows signs of true greatness" The Trio also includes: As well as appearing on numerous film soundtracks such as 'Bridget Jones's Diary' and 'Hannibal'.

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On the technology front the first. But as ticked into1 January ushered in more than just a new year: Riots have broken out on the streets of south London after a woman was shot and seriously injured in a house search. Armed officers raided a house in Brixton early this morning looking for a man in connection with a robbery. Crowds began to gather outside the district's police station when news broke the police had accidentally shot the man's mother, Cherry Groce, in her bed with apparently no warning.

Local people had already been very critical of police tactics in Brixton and a mood of tension exploded into violence as night fell.

Dozens of officers dressed in riot gear were injured as they were attacked by groups of mainly black youths with bricks and wooden stakes. The rioters also set alight a barricade of cars across the Brixton Road with petrol bombs and some looted shops in nearby streets.

The suspected armed robber was not home when the police raided his address and Scotland Yard described the shooting of his mother as a "tragic accident". Mrs Groce is being treated at St Thomas' Hospital in central London and her family say the mother-of-six may never walk again. A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said it did all it could singles de new britain ct police shooting prevent mistakes like singles de new britain ct police shooting, but it had to recognise the singles de new britain ct police shooting use of firearms by criminals made errors more likely.

Britain's first official call on a mobile following a beta test in London was made on 1 January by year-old Michael Harrison, son of Vodafone chairman Sir Ernest Harrison. After Big Ben had struck 12 to ring in the new year, Harrison junior dialed home and greeted his father, "Hi Dad, it's Mike.

This is the first ever call on a UK mobile network. Vodafone was first to go mobile with the New Year's Eve call, but the head start was brief: BT Cellnet -- the forerunner of today's O2 -- launched its service just days later on 10 January Entertainer Ernie Wise, best known for his double act with Eric Morecambe, promoted the network a couple of weeks later with a photo-call at London's St Katharine Docks during which he also dialed chairman Harrison, giving rise to the popular belief it was Little Ern who made the first mobile call.

The idea was perhaps ahead of its time, and of the battery technology then available, but in essence was a good one: Sir Clive Sinclair had dreamt of the thing for years. But there is a world of difference between a good idea and a good product: Perhaps the biggest problem the C5 had was its appearance: Only around 12, were made before the electric car project had its plug pulled, as it were.

May was perhaps the blackest month in British football history. Heysel it was later acknowledged was a far from ideal venue for such a big match: But there would have been no problem had drink-fuelled hooligans, purportedly Liverpool fans, not decided to attack a section of Juventus supporters about an hour before kick-off after prolonged exchanges of makeshift missiles by both sides.

The louts burst through scanty police lines and surged towards their targets; many of those facing the attack retreated in panic to a corner where a wall collapsed on them, killing 39 and injuring a further Against the wishes of both managers it was decided to play the game in spite of the disaster, the fear being that the violence which had followed the tragedy, Juventus fans seeking revenge for the loss-of-life, might escalate into a hand-to-hand battle in the stadium and the streets of Brussels without the diversion of a game.

Liverpool lost 1 — 0 in a match played without passion, many players looking like they were on automatic pilot. The carnage continues in the streets near the stadium, resulting in major damage to vehicles and property. Luton Town win the game Thatcher supports the ban and calls for judges to hand out stiffer sentences to convicted football hooligans. His death was overshadowed by the Bradford City fire on the same day.

The police were enforcing a High Court injunction obtained by the authorities prohibiting the festival from taking place. Around police officers took part in the operation against approximately travellers. The convoy of travellers that were heading for Stonehenge encountered resistance at a police road block seven miles from the landmark.

Police claim that some traveller vehicles then rammed police vehicles in an attempt to push through the roadblock. Around the same time police smashed the windows of the convoy's vehicles and some travellers were arrested. The rest broke into an adjacent field and a stand-off consequently developed that persisted for several hours. According to the BBC "Police said they came under attack, being pelted with lumps of wood, stones and even petrol bombs". Conversely, The Guardian states the travellers were not armed with petrol bombs and that police intelligence suggesting so "was false".

Eventually the police launched another attack during which the worst of the violence is purported to have taken place. According to The Observer, during this period pregnant women and those holding babies were clubbed by police with truncheons and the police were hitting "anybody they could reach". When some of the travellers tried to escape by driving away through the fields, The Observer states that the police threw truncheons, shields, fire-extinguishers and stones at them in an attempt to stop them.

Dozens of travellers were injured, 8 police officers and 16 travellers were hospitalised. This represents the largest mass arrest of civilians since at least the Second World War, possibly the biggest in English legal history. Two years after the event, a Wiltshire police sergeant was found guilty of Actual Bodily Harm as a consequence of injuries incurred by a member of the convoy during the Battle of the Beanfield. The award was swallowed by their legal bill as the judge did not award them legal costs.

In the festival was banned by the Thatcher government and in May the Battle singles de new britain ct police shooting the Beanfield took place, with an estimated police ambushing a convoy of travellers on their way to Stonehenge, trashing their vehicles and doing their best to completely demoralise the hard core festival community. The week after, 38 football fans were killed in a riot at an away match in Europe which not only diverted attention away from this eventbut also put the Stonehenge festival in perspective.

To my knowledge, the festival never had any deaths occur, the mess made was unfortunate, but compared to the mayhem and cost that the average football match cost to the taxpayer in policing, the Henge festival was a mere pinprick.

So why was so much effort made to destroy it? Total drug related hospital admissions from the festival in 84 were five ,the policing cost of the Beanfield exercise was Ford launches the third generation of its Granada. It is sold only as a hatchback, in contrast to its predecessor which was sold singles de new britain ct police shooting a saloon or estate, and in continental Europe it will be known as the Scorpio.

The first cars are expected to be produced next year. A year-old boy is killed, 20 people are injured and several vehicles are wrecked when Leeds United football hooligans riot at the Birmingham City stadium and cause a wall to collapse.

English clubs have now won 25 European trophies since Everton are also in contention for a treble of major trophies, as they take on Manchester United in the FA Cup final in three days. Dean Hancock and Russell Shankland, both 21, dropped a concrete block on Mr Wilkie's taxi from a road overbridge in November last year. Despite the tragedy, the match is played and Juventus beat Liverpool Unemployment for June fell to 3, from May's total of 3,, the best fall in unemployment of the decade so far.

Her year-old brother Jeremy, who was also adopted, alterted the police to the house after telling them that he had singles de new britain ct police shooting a phonecall from Nevill Bamber to tell him that his sister had "gone berserk" with a rifle. The patient is three-year-old Jamie Gavin. Its range consisted of the Marbella a rebadged version of the Fiat Pandathe Ibiza hatchback and Malaga saloon.

One of the fatalities was the owner of the post office. Scotland national football team manager Jock Stein, 62, collapses and dies from a heart attack at the end of his team's draw with Wales at Ninian Park, Cardiff, which secured Scotland's place in the World Cup qualification playoff.

A further two people are unaccounted for.

The Panama American

The England national football team secures qualification for next summer's World Cup in Mexico with a draw against Romania at Wembley. Tottenham midfielder Glenn Hoddle scored England's only goal. Enoch Powell, the controversial former Tory MP who was dismissed from the shadow cabinet 17 years ago for his Rivers of Blood speech on immigration, states that the riots in Handsworth were a vindication of the warnings he voiced in One person dies in the riot, 50 are injured and more than are arrested.

Manchester United's excellent start to the Football League First Division season sees them win their 10th league game in succession, leaving them well placed to win their first league title since Lord Scarman's report on the riots in Toxteth and Peckham blames economic deprivation and racial discrimination.

Economists predict that unemployment will remain above the 3, mark for the rest of the decade. Two of his colleagues are treated in hospital for gunshot wounds, as are three journalists. Thea small family hatchback, is the first "foreign" car to be built in the UK. It was originally going to be badged as the Talbot Arizona, but Peugeot has decided that the Talbot badge will be discontinued on passenger cars after next year and that the Ryton plant will then be used for the production of its own products, including a larger four-door saloon similar in size to the Ford Sierra which is due in two years.

Treasury Minister Ian Gow resigns in protest at the deal. Nissan can now install machinery and factory components and car production is expected to begin by the summer of next year. It now stands at 3, The Waterside Inn at Bray, Berkshire, founded by the brothers Michel and Albert Roux, becomes the first establishment in the UK to be awarded three Michelin Guide stars, a distinction which it retains for at least twenty-five years. Inflation stands at 6.

A new shopping mall is scheduled to open alongside the developing retail park in April and it is anticipated to grow into Europe's largest indoor shopping centre with further developments set to be completed byas well as including a host of leisure facilities.

But viewing figures are not as healthy as had been hoped, and the series first run ends in May. It returns for a second series in before being axed. On the same day, computer-generated graphics replace magnetic weather maps on all BBC forecasts, and Terry Wogan's eponymous talk show is relaunched as a thrice-weekly live primetime programme.

EastEnders launches the following day. The match is being recorded by Yorkshire Television for transmission on their Sunday afternoon regional football show The Big Match the following day. Coverage of the fire is transmitted minutes after the event on the live ITV Saturday afternoon sports programme World of Sport.

BBC's Grandstand also transmits live coverage of the fire. Singles de new britain ct police shooting announcement leads to a one-day strike by members of the National Union of Journalists, and the eventual overturning of the ban. A slightly edited version of the programme is shown in October. The controversy damages the Director-Generalship of Alasdair Milne, who eventually resigns from the post in August — After a series of high-profile football hooliganism and a dispute between the Football League and the broadcasters over revenue, televised league football is missing from British screens until the second half of the season.

The Charity Shield and international games are the only matches screened. The film is shown without the ending, and a competition held for viewers to identify the murderer s. The film's concluding 30 minutes are shown a few weeks later, with a studio of contestants eliminated one by one until the winner correctly solves the mystery.

The series — set in a market in Salford and intended as a companion for Coronation Street — is panned by critics and suffers from poor ratings. It is axed a year later. The match — played against the backdrop of escalating football hooliganism — is notable for the death of Scotland manager Jock Stein, who collapsed shortly before Scotland secured their place in the FIFA World Cup.

The Solution, in which the puzzle of the sci-fi murder mystery is finally solved. November — The 1,th episode of Emmerdale Farm is celebrated with a special lunch attended by Princess Michael of Kent. Not recognising any of the cast members she later admits that she never watches the show. In May, a fire at a football stadium in Bradford killed 56 people, and supergroup The Crowd released a charity cover of popular football anthem "You'll Never Walk Alone" in tribute.

British rock band Dire Straits released their album Brothers in Arms in May, one of the first ever albums to be released on Compact Disc. It went on to become a huge seller, the biggest selling album of the entire decade and as of in the top 5 biggest selling albums of all time. Four singles were released from the album, including the number 4 hit "Money for Nothing", which referenced American music channel MTV and had a groundbreaking video featuring early computer-generated imagery.

When a European version of MTV launched init was the first video ever played on the channel. Jennifer Rush entered the top 75 in June with the power ballad "The Power of Love", which remained in the chart for months without entering the top When it finally did in September, it quickly hit number 1, where it remained for five weeks and was the biggest selling single of the year. It sold over a million copies, however it would be the last single of the decade to do so, and there would not be another million-seller until Many songs this year competed for the Christmas number one single, and the entire top 3 from re-entered the chart this year; Paul McCartney's "We All Stand Together" at number 32, Wham!

It had been intended to be released inbut was kept back a year due to the Band Aid charity single. Still a widely known Christmas song in the 21st century, it re-entered the chart in Christmas on downloads alone, at number John Rutter, hitherto best known for his popular modern carols, acknowledged his classical roots with his Requiem, which was premièred in October in Sacramento, California. Paul Miles-Kingston, the boy soprano who won a silver disc for his recording of the "Pie Jesu" from that work, became Head Chorister of Winchester Cathedral in the same year.

The prolific Peter Maxwell Davies who had moved to Orkney in produced one of his most singles de new britain ct police shooting works, Orkney Wedding, With Sunrise, notable for featuring the bagpipes as a lead instrument. Veteran Welsh composer Daniel Jones, produced his 12th symphony, at the age of 73, whilst year-old Michael Tippett began work on his last opera, New Year.

The demands of war brought many new arrivals into the world of aircraft production and the company received large orders from the Admiralty for aircraft designed elsewhere, principally Avro 's and Short 's. The quality of workmanship and enthusiasm for the new product was soon apparent and it brought an singles de new britain ct police shooting in for a design of their own to meet a requirement for a coastal defence aircraft.

At that time the principal threat to Britain was seen as Zeppelin attacks and a specially designed fighter was sought to counter this threat. Parnall's first indigenous aircraft, designed by A.

Camden Pratt was called the Scout, a large single-seater, two-bay biplane powered by a hp Sunbeam Maori, with an upward-firing gun mounted on its upper wing. It acquired various nicknames including 'Zeppelin Chaser' and 'Zepp Straffer' but the design was not a success as it was too heavy; it is believed that only two flights were made.

Panther - A batch of Fairey Hamble Babys were built and another enquiry came for a shipboard reconnaissance plane. For this work the Admiralty released the services of Harold Bolas, an engineer who had been instrumental in designing flying-boat hulls.

Bolas's first design for Parnall was the remarkable Panther; among its notable features was a birch plywood monocoque fuselage of some depth with the pilot and observer placed high offering them an all-round view. The fuselage was hinged for shipboard stowage; for ditching the plane had a hydrovane ahead of the undercarriage as well as air-bag floatation gear.

Around this time Parnall and Sons was acquired by W. An attempt by the Admiralty to reduce the order led to a disagreement with the result that Parnall ceased aircraft manufacture and production passed to Filton where were built during and In service the aircraft performed well being described as delightful to fly with none of the vices associated with large rotary engines, however deck landings on ships were hazardous in this period and the accident rate was high.

Late production Panthers were fitted with oleo undercarriage and remained in service until Two aircraft were acquired by the US Navy and 12 were supplied to Japan. The first design, also by Bolas, was another naval aircraft: This was a large two seat, two bay amphibious biplane powered by a hp Napier Lion engine. The fuselage was mounted above a large central float which contained wheels that could be lowered through a vertical slot, large out-rigger floats were fitted on the lower planes.

The observer was equipped with a Scarf ring and had an un-interrupted field of fire as the fin and rudder were mounted beneath the fuselage. Three prototypes were built but production was not proceeded with.

Plover More successful was Bolas's next design, the Plover naval fighter, a single bay wooden biplane powered by one hp Bristol Jupiter IV engine. With the pilot placed high for a good view over the short nose and close-cowled radial engine, it could almost have come from the Filton drawing boards.

Amphibious wheeled floats were tested and one was fitted with an Armstrong Siddeley Jaguar radial. The Plover had a good performance but only six were built for service in ; the Royal Navy preferring the Fairey Flycatcher despite its lower speed. Possum - Centrally-mounted engines powering wing-mounted airscrews was a concept that was explored with the large four-engined Bristol Tramp, the twin-engined Boulton Paul Bodmin and the next design to emerge from Parnall, the single engined Possum.

Both the Tramp and the Possum were triplanes with twin tractor airscrews driven by shafts from the fuselage. The Possum was officially described as a 'postal aircraft' - a curious designation for an aircraft having gun positions in the nose and amidships!

It was truly a 'concept demonstration' machine. The centrally-located hp Napier Lion engine had side mounted radiators which could be retracted in flight to achieve additional streamlining.

The Possum fared rather better than the Tramp, which never flew, and performed well, making a public appearance at the Hendon Pageant. Despite having proved the practicality of its layout it was regarded as something of a curiosity by the pilots that flew it from Martlesham Heath in Suffolk. Experience revealed insufficient advantages to support any further development of this concept. Pixie - In the Daily Mail and the Duke of Sutherland sponsored competitions designed to stimulate light aircraft development; Parnall entered a single seat low wing monoplane, the Pixie, built in two forms with 13hp and 26hp Douglas engines.

The aircraft produced for the Lympne Trials were unrealistic machines being too lightly-powered to be flown in even modest winds and in the Air Council announced another competition for higher powered two seaters. Neither Pixie was successful in competition as both suffered forced-landings with engine trouble. Perch - Naval interest continued with Bolas' next design, the Perch fleet aircraft trainer.

This was a dual role machine that could be used for training pilots in deck-landing techniques or, when fitted with floats, as a seaplane trainer. The aircraft was an equal span biplane that featured side-by-side seating and a hp Rolls-Royce Falcon engine set low in the nose to give the pilot an excellent view for landing.

The C10 turned over on take-off at Yate and was taken to Hamble for repair at which time it was modified to incorporate an engine-driven rotor-starting device. During these projects he worked with the inventor of autogyro, Juan de la Cierva. Peto - The Peto submarine-launched floatplane was amongst the most technically difficult tasks that Parnall took on. It was a two-seat reconnaissance float-biplane of very small overall dimensions designed to be folded and carried in the confines of a submarine.

Of mixed wood, fabric, aluminium and steel construction, it had unequal span, warren-braced rectangular wings and the first aircraft was powered by a hp Bristol Lucifer engine and had mahogany plywood 'Consuta' type floats. Performance on test was generally satisfactory but modifications were put in hand and the machine was rebuilt with new wings, metal floats and a hp AS Mongoose engine.

Tests both on the sea and in the air showed that Bolas had fully met the requirements and it was officially judged to be exceptionally good; it was successfully launched by catapult from the ill-fated submarine M2 but the concept of submarine-carried aircraft died in the Royal Navy after the loss of the M2 which took one of the Petos with it.

By the mid s it was clear that an aircraft factory in the middle of a town was less than satisfactory where test flying was concerned, some of the aircraft having made their first flights from Filton. Accordingly a move was made to Yate, then in south Gloucestershire, where hangars were built beside a grass aerodrome.

Rumour has it that money was so tight that George would only allow a central strip for the runway to be mowed as he needed the profit from the hay crop! New aircraft continued to emerge at a steady rate and Harold Bolas designed two further naval types, the Pike and the Pipit.

Pike - The Pike was a large three-seater reconnaissance float-biplane powered by a hp Napier Lion. The deep and narrow fuselage filled the gap between the back-staggered wings; the pilot's cockpit was located near the nose affording an excellent view.

Defence was provided by a Scarf-mounted Lewis gun in the observer's cockpit at the upper wing trailing edge while the pilot had a forward-firing Vickers gun.

Trials of the single prototype were carried out at Felixstowe during but the report was unfavourable; the handling in flight was considered poor, the pilot's cockpit was criticised for being cold and draughty and performance generally below specification. Neither the Pike nor its rival, the Short Sturgeon, were developed further.

Of metal construction with fabric covering, the Pipit had a number of innovative features including detachable panels giving easy access to the fuselage, a wide-track undercarriage and a retractable radiator.

Two prototypes were ordered, the first flying from Yate in mid Despite its promising appearance and engineering novelty the Pipit did not fly as well as expected, the elevator being criticised as heavy while the rudder was weak and the singles de new britain ct police shooting was longitudinally unstable. Before much development flying could be done, however, the tailplane failed due to flutter in a diving test on the 20th September.

The pilot landed the damaged aircraft but it was destroyed in the resulting somersault. The pilot sustained serious injuries. A second modified machine was built; powered by a Rolls-Royce F. XIIS, featuring a strut-braced tailplane, ridgidly linked ailerons and a large eliptical horn balanced fin and rudder assembly designed to improve its effectiveness. It first flew in January and was an improvement over the earlier machine but the rudder was still unsatisfactory.

On February 24th a test was made by a service test pilot; whilst investigating the rudder's properties in a series of dives, violent flutter developed and both the fin and rudder broke away. The machine became uncontrollable but luckily the pilot escaped by parachute below ft. It was singles de new britain ct police shooting end for the Pipit and it the incident left a stigma in official circles from which Parnall never really recovered. Imp - Harold Bolas always maintained an interest in light aircraft and in produced a small, two-seater biplane: Powered initially by an uncowled A-S Genet II of 80hp, it was of striking appearance as it had a straight lower wingjoined by wide chord struts without bracing wires to sharply swept upper wings.

With the engine installation cleaned up, front cockpit faired over and a headrest fitted it flew into 8th place in the King's Cup race. At that time Parnall had thoughts of going into engine manufacture and collaborated with D.

Pobjoy in the development of the 65hp Pobjoy P air-cooled radial engine. This was test flown in the Imp, but Pobjoy decided to form his own company and his collaboration with Parnall ceased.

Elf - The attractive Elf was Bolas's last design for Parnall. It was a two-seater, touring biplane in the de Havilland Moth class using fabric-covered wooden construction and powered by an ADC Hermes I and flew for the first time in A naval influence showed as it used Warren girder bracing with folding wings.

A competent if somewhat uninspired performer, the prototype was sold to Lord Apsley in but it was destroyed in a crash in One, sold incrashed due to fuel-pump failure two months later but the second went to Lord Apsley as singles de new britain ct police shooting replacement for the crashed Elf I. In Harold Bolas, after some twelve years of trying to produce a winner for Parnalls, finally decided to leave for the USA. An enthusiastic and respected designer, he was highly regarded for the originality of his designs and was a skillful theoretician.

He was not above test flying his own creations, suitably fortified after a visit to the nearby Railway Inn pub! It is a singles de new britain ct police shooting tribute to his work that one of his Elf biplanes should survive to this day with the Shuttleworth Trust, occasionally flying and entertaining the crowds at Old Warden in Bedfordshire.

Clark who produced two interesting research aircraft, each built to test a specific aspect. The first was the Prawn, a small single-engined, single-seater parasol flying-boat powered by a 65 hp Ricardo-Burt engine.

It was designed to assess the feasibility of mounting a flying boat's engine in the extreme bow thereby producing a low drag installation. To make this feasible a very small four bladed propeller was needed and the engine could be tilted up to 22 degrees upwards to avoid the spray over the nose. It never was a very practical idea and it seems that little was done with it. More useful was the Parasol of which two were built. This machine was a flying full scale aerodynamic test vehicle, it could test the effects seen in wind-tunnel tests but without the effects of scale inherent in a tunnel.

It was a two-seater, the observer occupying the front cockpit which was equipped with a dynamometer for measuring flight-loads on the variable incidence wings which featured slots, flaps and separated ailerons. To eliminate the effects of the propeller, the Armstrong Siddelely Lynx engine could be stopped in flight for gliding then restarted with a gas starter. A camera could be mounted on struts above the tailplane and this was used for photographing tufts of wool that showed the airflow patterns over the wings.

Designs came from Handley Page, Vickers, Fairey, Armstrong Whitworth and Parnall with what was to be the final expressly military type, the un-named type G. This was a large angular biplane with gull-type upper wings, wheel spats, a good collection of interplane and fuselage struts and very generous tail surfaces. Power came from a hp Bristol Pegasus I M3 in a Townend ring, there was a forward-firing gun for the pilot and the observer had a Scarf-mounted Lewis gun; flight tests were carried out during from Yate.

It is believed the that aircraft had handling problems for it was not delivered to Martlesham Heath until early inlong after the competition had been decided in favour of the Vickers The machine was used for armament trials until March when it was damaged in a crash and subsequently scrapped.

Henderson who followed it with another monoplane, the advanced Heck. A new company called Parnall Aircraft was formed and the Heck passed to Parnall ownership, renamed the Parnall Heck it set a new record for the run from Cape Town to England of 6 days, 8 hours and 27 minutes in November A three seat derivative with a fixed, spatted undercarriage, powered by a Gypsy Six was produced as the Parnall Heck 2C, six were built in expectation of sales but none was made and the first four were therefore used as communications aircraft by Parnall in connection with their armaments activities.

The fifth and sixth aircraft were used for test-flying the Wolseley Aries radial engine and gun sight development work. The final Parnall aircraft was an open two-seater trainer derivative of the Heck to specification T. It featured the Heck's advanced wing and had a speed range of mph to 43 mph; it first flew in At Martlesham Heath it was pleasant to fly assessed as generally good as a trainer.

Notwithstanding a few modifications no order was forthcoming. It was to be the last Parnall machine to fly, after which Parnall turned his attention to producing aircraft gun singles de new britain ct police shooting to Archie Frazer-Nash's design in the Yate factory until the war ended.

Washing Machines - Thereafter Parnall became a household name through its famous washing machines and later the Jackson range of cookers. At Parnall's factory considerable damage had indeed been caused, and tragically 53 workers died, with a further being injured, many of them victims of the delayed action bombs.

The aircraft itself was lucky to escape for as it had been successfully engaged by the Yate defences, with 8 rounds of 40mm Bofors, and 40 rounds from Light Machine Guns being fired.

Edith Doyle died 27th February age 37yr. Douglas D Luton died 27th February age 22yr. Phyllis M Tovey died 27th February age 21yr.

The memorial, in the lych gate entrance to Yate churchyard, to those from Parnall Aircraft Ltd in Yate killed in German air raids on Feb 27th Thank you, Phyllis, for the decals. Carded a 7-under 64 in the second round, his career low on the Champions Tour.

Did not register a top finish until the U. Senior Open, and a T5 at Canterbury proved to be his finest effort of the campaign. Despite three-putting the last hole, he outlasted six players for the victory, including defending champion Tom Weiskopf. Victory proved to be his only top-five effort of the campaign, and his opening-round 72 equaled the highest start by a winner that season. Northville Long Island Classic: Posted a T4 at the Ralphs Senior Classic after opening and closing with 65s.

First of America Classic: Won the rain-shortened First of America Classic in just his fourth start. Became the second player in a four-week period to claim victory after receiving a sponsor's exemption. Debuted at the Ameritech Senior Open. Captained the European team for a third consecutive time in the Ryder Cup, and his team successfully retained the title as the two squads played to a tie.

Finished his Ryder Cup career as a captain, guiding the Europeans to two wins and a tie. Returned to captain the European team in the Ryder Cup, and his squad defended its title, this time capturing the Ryder Cup in the U. Captained the European team to its first victory in the Ryder Cup in 28 years when he steered his squad to a five-point triumph over the U.

Is still widely recognized as the man who helped re-establish European competitiveness in the Ryder Cup matches. Missed the cut at The Open Championship. Shot a final-round 69 at The Open Championship to T39, his final made cut in the event. In the playoff, hit his 6-iron second shot to within inches of the cup for an easy birdie, a score Langer couldn't match. Added a T23 at The Open Championship. Billy Butlin Jersey Open: Played in the Ryder Cup for the sixth consecutive time, representing Europe in the revamped format, inviting players from Continental Europe.

Second win of the season came when he fired a 1-under in the hole finale in early December, good for a two-shot win over Manuel Pinero at the Venezuela Open in Caracas.

Opened at the event that qualified him as a member of the European Ryder Cup team. Bing Crosby National Pro-Am: Finished T22 at the German Open but gained notoriety for a hole-in-one he made that won him a car. Did not play in singles. Matched Watson's final-round 71 and lost by a shot. His top finish was a T7 at the Canadian Open.

Added rounds of on the weekend to tie with J. Bob Hope Desert Classic: Finished T12 at the Bob Hope Desert Classic, a final-round 67 in the hole event pushing up the leaderboard. Played in his fourth consecutive Ryder Cup, and had a record during the U.

Lost to Bob Murphy 2 and 1 and Raymond Floyd 1-down in his two singles matches. Victories came with Peter Oosterhuis four-balls and Brian Huggett foursomes as his partner. Finished T18 at The Open Championship. Opened with a 1-over 73 then followed with rounds of to take control. Despite a final-round 75, defeated Spain's Jose Maria Canizares by 11 shots.

Split his two singles matches, defeating Tommy Aaron, 3 and 1, but falling to Billy Casper, 2 and 1, in the U. T14 at The Open Championship his top effort. Dean Martin Tucson Open: Opened with a at the Dean Martin-Tucson Open but failed to fill in his score on the ninth hole his 18th of the day in the second round and was disqualified.

Was second at the Swedish Open. Captured the Italian Open, coming from two off the pace after 54 holes, making a cruicial 4-foot par putt on the 72nd hole to defeat Valentin Barrios of Span in Acquasanta, Italy. Piccadilly World Match Play Championship: In late September, despite shooting a final-round 76 at Turnberry's Ailsa Course, he came up three strokes short of winner Charles Coody and finished solo second at the John Player Classic in Scotland.

Held the first-round lead at the Spanish Open but faded in the final round, closing with a 3-over 75 at La Manga GC to finish sixth. Opened with a course-record, under 62 and then shot a final-round 68 to finish under, breaking the tournament hole scoring mark set by Roberto De Vicenzo in the tournament.

Was again dominant at the Dunlop Masters in Chepstow, England. Held a four-stroke, hole lead and then came in with a 3-under 68 in the final round at St.

Sala Newby Replica Celine Handbags, Charles C. T. Hindmarch, Tristan R. This is key, stream the singles, and pre order: comic artist Jesse Jacobs: Holiday Spectacular, Dec. Robinson said, police car and a policeman and a house. . The scene was first shot on location in New York City, but thousands of onlookers . The children of Syria have been shot, shelled and traumatised by the horror of war. it doesn't think that only putting out a single Steam Box is the best way to do so. counterparts in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the expensive) ways of measure body fat, such as CT and MRI scans.

Pierre GC to defeat defending champion Bob Charles by seven shots. Was second at the French Open.

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